Welcome to my site where we explore educational technologies. Today we are looking at Tutor LMS and Moodle. Tutor LMS is a WordPress plugin. Fortunately, I am old, I Know Stuff and I can fix things; so, I have a WordPress site. I could therefore quite easily install the Tutor LMS plugin, give it a test drive, and compare it with Moodle. I share some of my impressions here. WordPress and its free version Tutor LMS plugin are competent to display content online. Content by itself, however, is not necessarily a teaching or learning intervention. Tutor LMS is offered in several paid for versions, but the free Basic version on its own seems quite capable on paper. So, I will try and do seven things in Tutor LMS that I know I can do in Moodle to see if I can achieve the same level of interactiveness in Tutor (Basic Plan) that I know I can achieve in Moodle. Interactiveness is the first step to learner engagement. This course is a report on what I found.
Not all LMS’s were created equal
Engaged learners are high-performing learners.
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